Koiwai Farm
And the next day we have to return.
Then the accident happened with Honda's AE86. Remember his words as following. "Engine blowing is just comming..." Please say cool. Don't be a panic. He had already broken 3 engines before. |
It smelled just like chickens.
With accuracy it was baked checken, not roasted checkens.
So they returned directly without side trip to Koiwai farm. |
Rest guys went to Koiwai farm that is famous farm from Morioka I.C. | |
Then EAT!
It was an all-you-can-eat "lambie" restaurant. 60 minutes hardballs. It costed 1800 yen without tax. |
Eat sheep!
I don't familiar to eat sheep meat even lamb. It is different from other meat. Though I heard it is healthy, I don't think it's beautiful meat. But I enjoyed this "hardballs". |
At the souvenir shop.
I think she should have wear this during skiing. It would have warm and make her fanny. It was 2100 yen. |
So at the farm, enjoy "Big tits".
These are natural and real big tits of moo-cow. There are miling cows, so these are "professional" tits. |
Farmer said in this cow barn there were only nubile girls.
Girl cows like in this cow barn make a lot of milk.
I found during observation that there were good looking beautiful cows and not good looking cows,I can say ugly, though they were same Holstein cows. |
During winter, we cannot have a chance to touch her tits.
no way.
During summer, this farm is famous sight seeing spot and many people come to be milker. So in winter cows have time off. |
I found the most beautiful cow.
She was bright in the cow barn.
She didn't wear ear ring tab like other cows, maybe she might be a model cow. I liked her very much. I named her "Hikaru-chan" just personally. Hikaru means bright in Japanese. |
The other side of the barn.
I thought they milk cows were just "milking Machine", they had big boobs, but thier hips were not thick just skin and bone. |
"Hikaru-chan" close up!.
She is cute, isn't she? |
多分、牛にとっては「なんだこいつ!いつもの人間じゃねぇーぞ」 などと思っていることでしょう。 |
年頃の乙女にしては、かなり大胆です。 大きい方もやります。 しかも盛大に。 |
「乳張ってるし、乳首ピンクだ...」って内容が怪しくなってきたし、 牛舎に入っているとまさに牛臭くなってきたので、この辺で終了。 臭いまま車に乗り込み、小岩井農場を後にするのでした。 |
帰り道、安比スノボスクール荻谷先生おすすめの東北道、長者原SAの 牛舌丼(900円)喫食中。 って、さっきジンギスカン食いすぎて腹痛くなってたじゃん! どうも、牛舌丼はベツバラらしい。 これ食べたい人は19:30までにSAへ行ってください。 | |
HTML by Shiro Matsugara